Ifrita kowaldi (Blue-capped Ifrita)
Bird Info: Eupetidae (Whipbirds and Quail-thrushes), Passeriformes, Species
Blue-capped Ifrita – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Blue-capped Ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi), also known as the Ifrit, is a small insectivorous bird endemic to the rainforests of New Guinea. It measures up to 16.5cm long and has yellowish brown plumage with a blue and black crown. The male has a white streak behind its eye, while the female’s is a dull yellow.
Meet Pitohui, Ifrita and Rufous: The Most Poisonous Birds on Earth
Blue-capped Ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi) (Source: nationalzoo.si.edu/…/images/jdifrita.jpg) The Blue-capped Ifrita is another poisonous bird from New Guinea.
Blue-capped ifrit: Information from Answers.com
Blue-capped ifrit Ifrita kowaldi TAXONOMY Todopsis kowaldi De Vis, 1890, Owen Stanley Mountains, New … A small bird with olive upperparts and light brownish golden cheeks and …
Science News / Second Bird Genus Shares Dart-frog Toxins
Ifrita kowaldi, a blue-capped handful with the tree-poking habits of a nuthatch, concentrates in … studying pitohouis when local people told him about the "bitter bird," the ifrita.
158-17(10-21-00) Second bird genus shares dart-frog toxins
Ifrita kowaldi , a blue-capped handful with the tree-poking habits of a nuthatch, concentrates in its feathers and skin the same alkaloids that defend poison dart frogs.
Poisonous Birds
The genus Ifrita contains only one species. Ifrita kowaldi, a small (30 grammes) blue-capped bird locally known as "bitter bird", lives above 2,000 meters, a higher altitude than …
Spotlight on Zoo Science: The Birds and the Beetles – National Zoo …
Later, Dumbacher found them in another New Guinea bird genus known as Ifrita. The … which they call nanisani — the same name they give to the blue-capped ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi)!
The Intoxicating Birds of New Guinea – National Zoo| FONZ
The book also gave a similarly tantalizing account of the blue-capped ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi), an apparently unrelated bird …
Each is a spectacular bird, as evidenced by this stunning photo (left) of … also included the two melampittas of New Guinea (Melampitta), and Blue-capped Ifrita Ifrita kowaldi, in …
Fatal Fowl: Scientific American
… researchers have determined that a brightly colored New Guinean bird known as the blue-capped ifrita … new study adds two more Pitohui species to the list, as well as Ifrita kowaldi, …