Corythopis torquatus (Ringed Antpipit)
Bird Info: Passeriformes, Species, Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
Ringed Antpipit – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Ringed Antpipit (Corythopis torquatus) is a species of bird in the Tyrannidae family, the tyrant flycatchers. It is one of two species in the genus Corythopis. It is found in the Amazon Basin of Brazil and the Guianas, and Amazonian Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia; also Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and in eastern Venezuela in the Orinoco River drainage.
A classification of the bird species of South America
A classification of the bird species of South America. South American … Corythopis torquatus Ringed Antpipit 23, 23a, 24 Corythopis delalandi Southern Antpipit 23, 23a
Amazon Rainforest Tours – Manu Bird List – Peru Treks and Adventure …
Amazon Rainforest Tours – Manu Bird List – Peru Treks and Adventure – Amazon … Ceryle torquatus: Ringed Kingfisher: f: Electron platyrhynchum: Broad-billed Motmot
WINGS Birding Tours to Brazil: Cristalino Jungle Lodge – Bird List
Cristalino Jungle Lodge – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide birding tour … Ringed Antpipit: 2: Corythopis torquatus: Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant: 2: Euscarthmus meloryphus
Birds of Central French Guiana
PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF THE BIRDS OF … Ringed Woodpecker (C. torquatus) Lineated Woodpecker 1 (Dryocopus … Ringed Antpipit 1 (Corythopis torquata) SWALLOWS (HIRUNIDINDAE)
xeno-canto :: bird songs from the Americas
Common Ringed Plover: Charadrius hiaticula: 2: 4: Little Ringed Plover: Charadrius dubius: 8: 2: Diademed Plover: Phegornis mitchellii: 2: 0: Marbled Godwit: Limosa fedoa: 7: 0
List of birds of Ecuador – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the bird species recorded in Ecuador. The avifauna of … Belted Kingfisher Ceryle alcyon; Ringed Kingfisher Ceryle torquatus; Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona; Green …
The Birds of Pantiacolla Lodge (updated January 2007)
The Birds of Pantiacolla Lodge (updated January 2007) The list contains 588 species … Ceryle torquatus. Ringed Kingfisher. f. Chloroceryle amazona. Amazon Kingfisher
Mangoverde World Bird Guide Family Page: Tyrant Flycatchers
This is the Tyrant Flycatchers page of the Mangoverde World Bird Guide … Ringed Antpipit : Corythopis torquatus : 2: 0: 1: Southern Antpipit : Corythopis delalandi : 2: 0: 0
WINGS Birding Tours to Ecuador: La Selva Lodge – Bird List
La Selva Lodge – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide birding tour company … 1: Ringed Antpipit : Corythopis torquatus: 3: Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant : 1: 4: Stigmatura napensis