Notharchus swainsoni (Buff-bellied Puffbird)
Bird Info: Bucconidae (Puffbirds), Galbuliformes, Species
Notharchus swainsoni – Buff-bellied Puffbird
Notharchus swainsoni. Buff-bellied Puffbird … A bird killing a huge insect on a branch. Folha …
Buff-bellied Puffbird – Notharchus swainsoni
Buff-bellied Puffbird – Notharchus swainsoni – some photos and notes … Buff-bellied Puffbird (Notharchus swainsoni) Intervales, São Paulo, Brazil
Split Notharchus swainsoni from N. macrorhynchos
… Buff-bellied Puffbird" as used in HBW, is appropriate for swainsoni … Buff-bellied Puffbird". Literature Cited: ALVARENGA, H.M.F., E. HOFLING AND L. F. SILVEIRA. 2002. Notharchus swainsoni …
birding facts Birding Resources by the Fat Birder
Local contacts, guides, bird clubs and birding organisations in … Buff-bellied Puffbird Notharchus swainsoni being the species recognised by some but not others.
Mangoverde World Bird Guide Family Page: Puffbirds
This is the Puffbirds page of the Mangoverde World Bird Guide. From … Buff-bellied Puffbird : Notharchus swainsoni : 4: 0: 0: Black-breasted Puffbird : Notharchus pectoralis : 4: 0: 0
Buff-bellied Puffbird: Notharchus swainsoni : Black-breasted Puffbird: Notharchus pectoralis : Brown-banded Puffbird: Notharchus ordii : Pied Puffbird: Notharchus tectus
A classification of the bird species of South America
A classification of the bird species of South America. South American … Notharchus swainsoni Buff-bellied Puffbird 1b Notharchus pectoralis Black-breasted Puffbird 2
xeno-canto :: bird songs from the Americas
Swainson’s Hawk: Buteo swainsoni: 2: 0: Harpy Eagle: Harpia harpyja: 6: 1: Ornate Hawk-Eagle: Spizaetus ornatus: 6: 1: Black Hawk-Eagle: Spizaetus tyrannus: 23: 6: Black-and-chestnut Eagle: Spizaetus isidori: 3: 0
WINGS Birding Tours to Brazil: The Southeast Atlantic Rainforest …
The Southeast Atlantic Rainforest – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide … 4: Buff-bellied Puffbird: 1: 1: Notharchus swainsoni: 5: White-eared Puffbird: Nystalus chacuru
REGUA Bird List
1 REGUA Bird List The taxonomy and nomenclature of the REGUA bird list … Galbula ruficauda Rufous-tailed Jacamar Bucconidae Notharchus swainsoni Buff-bellied Puffbird Nystalus chacuru …