Golden-tailed Parrotlet (Touit surdus) – BirdLife species factsheet
Search for information on all of the world’s bird species. … BirdLife Species Champions appeal Donate to this groundbreaking initiative so that together we can turn the tide on …
InfoNatura – Detailed Report
Scientific Name: Touit surdus Authority: (Kuhl, 1820) English Common Name: Golden-tailed Parrotlet … A classification of the bird species of South …
A classification of the bird species of South America
A classification of the bird species of South America. South American … Touit surdus Golden-tailed Parrotlet 25b Touit stictopterus Spot-winged Parrotlet 25b 25dd
Search for Species
Search for information on all of the world’s bird species. … Golden-tailed Parrotlet Touit surdus: VU…
REGUA – Atlantic Forest, Brazil | Birds
The taxonomy and nomenclature of the REGUA bird list follows Comitê … VU: B: Touit surdus: Golden-tailed Parrotlet: Pionopsitta pileata: Pileated Parrot
xeno-canto :: bird songs from the Americas
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet: Touit purpuratus: 3: 1: Golden-tailed Parrotlet: Touit surdus: 5: 0: White-bellied Parrot: Pionites leucogaster: 6: 3: Black-headed Parrot
WINGS Birding Tours to Brazil: Bahia and Sergipe – Bird List
Bahia and Sergipe – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide birding tour … Golden-tailed Parrotlet: 3: Touit surdus: Blue-headed Parrot: 2: Pionus menstruus
Trip Report, Brazil, 21st March to 16th April, 2003
Up at 5:30 to bird the hotel’s trail. This is through a very nice … By this time I had joined Edson and we photographed the endangered Golden-tailed Parrotlet Touit surdus.
xeno-canto :: bird songs from tropical America
Golden-tailed Parrotlet: Touit surdus: Vulnerable: High: BirdLife Fact Sheet: Rusty-faced Parrot: Hapalopsittaca amazonina: Vulnerable: High: BirdLife Fact Sheet
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Brazil bird checklist
Bird checklists – taxonomy – distribution – maps – links … Golden-tailed Parrotlet: Touit surdus: Endemic Vulnerable: Black-headed Parrot: Pionites melanocephalus