Grey-hooded Attila – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Grey-hooded Attila (Attila rufus) is a species of bird in the Tyrannidae family, the tyrant flycatchers. It is endemic to Brazil. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montanes. [edit] Range, southeast coastal Brazil
VIREO Bird photos. Visual Resources for Ornithology The Academy of …
VIREO bird pictures in searchable bird image database with photos of birds from around the world
The Land Birds of Southeast Brazil (Volume 2)
The Land Birds of Southeast Brazil (Volume 2) Heinz Remold. The Land Birds of Southeast … Grey-hooded Attila: Attila rufus: Rufous Casiornis: Casiornis rufa: Greyish Mourner: Rhytipterna simplex
Guto Carvalho
Attila rufus Grey-hooded Attila; A bird perched, flying off and returning to the same branch. Parque do Zizo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (ssp rufus). Play video (2185 Kb)
A classification of the bird species of South America
A classification of the bird species of South America. South American Classification … Attila rufus Gray-hooded Attila Attila spadiceus Bright-rumped Attila 145
WINGS Birding Tours to Brazil: Bahia and Sergipe – Bird List
Bahia and Sergipe – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide birding tour company based in … Gray-hooded Attila: 2: Attila rufus: Bright-rumped Attila: 2: Attila spadiceus: Sharpbill: 3: Oxyruncus …
Environmental Program: The Last Noah’s Ark :: Pedro Barros Birds ::
BIRDS . PRELIMINARY AND CUMULATIVE BIRD’S LIST OF THE REGION OF PEDRO BARROS … Gray-hooded Attila; Attila rufus; Capitão-da-mata. COTINGIDAE Bare-throated Bellbird; Procnias …
Programa Ambiental: A Última Arca de Noé :: Paranapiacaba Birds …
BIRDS Some birding places and its checklists (by Antonio Silveira) Paranapiacaba … Gray-hooded Attila; Attila rufus; Capitão-da-mata . COTINGIDAE H ooded Berryeater; …
Citron-bellied Attila: Attila citriniventris : White-eyed Attila: Attila bolivianus : Grey-hooded Attila: Attila rufus : Bright-rumped Attila: Attila spadiceus
Bird List for the Serra da Cantareira
… WHITE-THROATED SPADEBILL: Platyrinchus mystaceus : EULER’S FLYCATCHER: Lathrotriccus euleri : FUSCOUS FLYCATCHER: Cnemotriccus fuscatus : GRAY-HOODED ATTILA: Attila rufus