Carduelis magellanica alleni
Bird Info: Fringillidae (Siskins, Crossbills, Allies), Passeriformes, Subspecies
Argentina birds during FONT Birding & Nautre Tours
Argentina Birds during FONT Birding & Nature Tours. Part 2: (Bearded Manakin to … Carduelis magellanica alleni (ne AR) Black-chinned Siskin _____ fs Carduelis barbata (monotypic)
Bird List – Iliniza Ecological Reserve, Cotopaxi, Ecuador
Rare Bird List Ecuador : painting by Bernard C. Scott … Moustached Antpitta : Grallaria alleni : 1800-2520 m … Hooded Siskin : Carduelis magellanica: 2500-2800 m
WINGS Birding Tours to Ecuador: A Week in Paradise – Bird List
A Week in Paradise – Bird List. WINGS is a … 1: Moustached Antpitta : Grallaria alleni: 5: Scaled … 2: Hooded Siskin: Carduelis magellanica: 3: Yellow-bellied Siskin: 3: 4: Carduelis …
List of birds of Ecuador – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the bird species recorded in Ecuador. The avifauna of Ecuador includes a total of 1663 species, of which 16 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 19 are rare or accidental. 77 species are globally threatened. This list’s taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) follows the conventions of Clements ‘s 5th edition.
List of birds of Colombia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the bird species recorded in Colombia. The avifauna of Colombia includes a total of 1895 species, of which 74 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 87 are rare or accidental. 1 species listed is extirpated in Colombia and is not included in the species count. 83 species are globally threatened.
WINGS Birding Tours to Ecuador: A Week at Cabañas San Isidro – Bird …
A Week at Cabañas San Isidro – Bird List. WINGS is … 1: Moustached Antpitta : Grallaria alleni: 4: Chestnut … 3: Hooded Siskin: 1: 4: Carduelis magellanica: 4: Olivaceous Siskin: 1: 10: Carduelis …
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Carduelis magellanica alleni (Ridgway) 1899 Auk 16 p.37; Carduelis magellanica boliviana (Sharpe … 83 pl.77,79; Carduelis uropygialis (Sclater,PL) 1862 Cat.Coll.Am.Birds p.125; Carduelis …
Species List ‘Birds of Ecuador’
Species list "Birds of Ecuador" ‘S’ means that one or … Moustached Antpitta Grallaria alleni – S Plain-backed … Carduelis spinescens – S Hooded Siskin Carduelis magellanica – S …
Brazil Birds during FONT Birding & Nature Tours
Brazil Birds during FONT Birding & Nature Tours Part 2: … Carduelis magellanica icterica; Tropical Parula _____ br,ig,mn,mt,rs,se … Coereba flaveola alleni (af,am,br,mn,mt,se) Blue …
Bird Sounds of the Colombian Andes
Bird Sounds of the Colombian Andes. M Alvarez, V Caro … Moustached Antpitta: Grallaria alleni: Scaled Antpitta … Hooded Siskin: Carduelis magellanica: Yellow-bellied Siskin: Carduelis …