Epinecrophylla haematonota pyrrhonota
Bird Info: Passeriformes, Subspecies, Thamnophilidae (Typical Antbirds)
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Cymbilaimus (m.) Gray,GR 1840 ListGen.Birds p.36 Cymbilaimus lineatus (Leach … haematonota haematonota (Sclater,PL) 1857 PZS Pt25 no.329 p.48; Epinecrophylla haematonota pyrrhonota ( …
xeno-canto :: bird songs from the Americas
all species in the collections A list of all 3547 species in the xeno-canto collection. That’s 79.86% of the total number of 4441 species in the Neotropics.
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Bolivia bird checklist
… database information system about all birds of the … Stipple-throated Antwren: Epinecrophylla haematonota … Cliff Swallow: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota PASSERIFORMES:
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Ecuador bird checklist
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the … Stipple-throated Antwren: Epinecrophylla haematonota: Brown-backed Antwren: Epinecrophylla fjeldsaai
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Peru bird checklist
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the … Stipple-throated Antwren: Epinecrophylla haematonota: Brown-backed Antwren: Epinecrophylla fjeldsaai
xeno-canto :: bird songs from tropical America
absent and present species. A complete list of all birds in the database based on Parker et al. Red names are species present in the xeno-canto collection (in the foreground); blue …
A classification of the bird species of South America
A classification of the bird species of South America. South American Classification Committee. American Ornithologists’ Union. Composite species list with Scientific and English …
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Version 9.181 (2009.01.05). Bold species epithet = type species PASSERIFORMES 1231 Genera 5890 sp. (2009.01.03) ACANTHISITTIDAE Listing with subspecies
Order,Family (Latin),Family (English),Genus,Species (Latin),Species (English),Breeding Range General Region,Breeding Range Subregion(s),Nonbreeding Range,Code,Note TINAMIFORMES …
Number,Family,Family Name,Genus,Species,English Name, Version 2.13b: Nov 17 2008 (corrected) 00001,Struthionidae,Ostriches,Struthio,camelus,Common Ostrich