Paradise Jacamar (Galbula dea)
Paradise Jacamar (Galbula dea) – some photos … whereas I would say that this bird has a fairly pale brown crown which would indicate more that it belongs to the race brunneiceps …
Galbula dea – Paradise Jacamar
Galbula dea … A bird high in a tree, flycatching and coming back. Rio Roosevelt, Amazonas, Brazil (ssp brunneiceps). © J. del Hoyo / Lynx Duration 38 …
FW: Systematics and taxonomy of Australian birds
Sunday, 10 February 2008 6:39 PM > To: jpenhall > Subject: bird data project … Notes & Scientific Synonyms) for Galbula albirostris > chalcocephala, Galbula dea amazonum, brunneiceps …
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Galbula dea amazonum (Sclater,PL) 1855 PZS Pt23 no.284 p.14; Galbula dea brunneiceps (Todd) 1943 … Notharchus swainsoni (Gray,GR) 1846 Gen.Birds 1 p.[74] Concept; Notharchus …
List of birds of Venezuela – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the bird species recorded in Venezuela. The avifauna of Venezuela … tailed Jacamar Galbula galbula; Bronzy Jacamar Galbula leucogastra; Paradise Jacamar Galbula dea …
List of birds of Colombia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the bird species recorded in Colombia. The avifauna of Colombia includes a total of 1895 species, of which 74 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 87 are rare or accidental. 1 species listed is extirpated in Colombia and is not included in the species count. 83 species are globally threatened.
WINGS Birding Tours to Venezuela: Junglaven Jungle Camp – Bird List
Junglaven Jungle Camp – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide birding tour company based … 6: Paradise Jacamar: 5: 5: A: T: Galbula dea: 5: Great Jacamar: 1: 1: T: Jacamerops aureus: 2: White-necked Puffbird …
xeno-canto :: bird songs from the Americas
all species in the collections A list of all 3547 species in the xeno-canto collection. That’s 79.86% of the total number of 4441 species in the Neotropics.
WORLDTWITCH – Venezuela – List of Birds Observed in Venezuela by Jon …
Birds Observed in Venezuela January – February 2001 Jon Hornbuckle Click Here for Trip … Paradise Jacamar: Galbula dea: 1: 2: 2: Great Jacamar: Jacamerops aurea: 2: H: 1: Pied Puffbird: Notharchus tectus: 2
South American Birds Index
Index to photos and notes on some South American birds … Paradise Jacamar (Galbula dea) Â November 2004 Great Jacamar … Brown-headed Greenlet (Hylophilus brunneiceps) Â November 2004