Ifrita kowaldi kowaldi
Bird Info: Eupetidae (Whipbirds and Quail-thrushes), Passeriformes, Subspecies
Blue-capped Ifrita – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Blue-capped Ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi), also known as the Ifrit, is a small insectivorous bird endemic to the rainforests of New Guinea. It measures up to 16.5cm long and has yellowish brown plumage with a blue and black crown. The male has a white streak behind its eye, while the female’s is a dull yellow.
Ifrit (Ifrita kowaldi) – BirdLife species factsheet
Search for information on all of the world’s bird species. … BirdLife Species Champions appeal Donate to this groundbreaking initiative so that together we can turn the tide on …
Avibase – The World Bird Database
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world … Ifrita kowaldi: Ifrita kowaldi kowaldi: ssp. Ifrita kowaldi brunnea: ssp. Melampitta lugubris
Meet Pitohui, Ifrita and Rufous: The Most Poisonous Birds on Earth
… are known to be venomous but there are no known species of venomous bird. However, pitohui, ifrita … Blue-capped Ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi) (Source: nationalzoo.si.edu/…/images …
Poisonous Birds
Similar toxins have also been found in another passerine bird from New Guinea, Ifrita kowaldi, which belongs to a different genus. The genus Ifrita contains only one species. Ifrita …
Tetrapod Zoology : Ifrita the poisonous passerine
Batrachotoxin alkaloids from passerine birds: a second toxic bird genus (Ifrita kowaldi) from New Guinea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97, 12970-12975.
Melampittas & Ifrit family – mainly images; gallery format
152 Melampittas & Ifrit Ifrit Ifrita kowaldi 153 Birds-of-paradise 154 Australasian Robins 155 Bald Crows 156 Rock Jumpers 157 Waxwings and Allies
158-17(10-21-00) Second bird genus shares dart-frog toxins
Ifrita kowaldi , a blue-capped handful with the tree-poking habits of a nuthatch, concentrates in its feathers and skin the same alkaloids that defend poison dart frogs.
The Intoxicating Birds of New Guinea – National Zoo| FONZ
The book also gave a similarly tantalizing account of the blue-capped ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi), an apparently unrelated bird …
Science News / Second Bird Genus Shares Dart-frog Toxins
Ifrita kowaldi, a blue-capped handful with the tree-poking habits of a nuthatch … Guinea studying pitohouis when local people told him about the "bitter bird," the ifrita.