List of African birds – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list of African birds is a listing of all the bird species known from the continent of Africa.
List of birds of Angola – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the bird species recorded in Angola. The avifauna of Angola includes a total of 984 species, of which 14 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 4 are rare or accidental. 20 species are globally threatened. This list’s taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) follow the conventions of Clements ‘s 5th edition.
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Angola bird checklist
… extensive database information system about all birds … Gabela Akalat: Sheppardia gabela: Endemic Endangered … Dusky Tit: Melaniparus funereus: Miombo Tit: Melaniparus griseiventris
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Angola bird checklist
… extensive database information system about all birds … Dusky Tit: Melaniparus funereus: Miombo Tit: Melaniparus griseiventris … Gabela Akalat: Sheppardia gabela: Endemic Endangered®ion=ao&list=clements&lang=EN
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Africa bird checklist
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 3.5 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including …
(From the start to the end of Falconidae superspecies are not recorded …
EURYLAIMIDAE . Pseudocalyptomena graueri African Green Broadbill Eurylaime de Grauer Grauer’s Broadbill* Resident, forest and edges:
Birds of the World
Lists of all species with scientific and English names, subdivided by Family. Choice of list based on the Clements or the Sibley and Monroe classification schemes.
print "$_\n" if $whr;} #seen birds #print "$_\n" unless $whr;} #seen birds … Calyptorhynchus funereus:Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo. 73:Calyptorhynchus latirostris:
Danish – Swedish bird name dictionary (5800 species)_Latinsk_indeks_G …
Danish – Swedish bird name dictionary (5800 species) Ordlistan är utvecklad av Öresunds ÖversättningsbyrÃ¥ – Auktoriserade translatorer till och frÃ¥n DANSKA
(From the start to the end of Falconidae superspecies are not recorded …
Sheppardia gabela Gabela Akalat Rougegorge de Gabela Akalat de Gabela. Sheppardia montana Usambara Akalat Rougegorge des Usambaras