xeno-canto :: bird songs from tropical America
Neomixis tenella debilis) Daniel Lane XC26423 25-11-2007, Madagascar [options] [also] Red-shouldered Vanga call (Calicalicus rufocarpalis)
Bird Taxonomy
… Greenbul 7217 Phyllastrephus debilis … 7720 Eremiornis carteri Spinifex-bird … Wedge-billed Wren-Babbler 7857 Neomixis tenella …
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Heliolais (m.) Sharpe 1903 Hand-listGen.Spec.Birds[Sharpe] 4 p.193. Heliolais … Neomixis tenella debilis Delacour 1931 Ois.Rev.FranceOrn. (n.s.) 1 p.482; Neomixis tenella decaryi …
World checklist of Passerine Birds
A World checklist of Passerine Birds … Order Passeriformes : Family Acanthisittidae : 3964 Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Africa bird checklist
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 3.5 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including …
xeno-canto/Africa :: bird songs from the African region
English: Scientific: Order no. Ostrich: Struthio camelus : 54.00: White-breasted Guineafowl: Agelastes meleagrides : 151.00: Black Guineafowl: Agelastes niger : 152.00
(From the start to the end of Falconidae superspecies are not recorded …
Phyllastrephus debilis Tiny Greenbul Bulbul minute Slender Bulbul; Smaller Yellow-streaked Greenbul rabai; albigula; debilis
WORLD LIST OF BIRDSces.iisc.ernet.in/hpg/envis/sibleydoc63.html
Birds of the World
Lists of all species with scientific and English names, subdivided by Family. Choice of list based on the Clements or the Sibley and Monroe classification schemes.
usr/bin/perl. while (<DATA>) {chomp;my($fam,$sp,$com,$whr) = split /:/; print "$_\n" if $whr;} #seen birds #print "$_\n" unless $whr;} #seen birds