Orthotomus cuculatus viridicollis
Bird Info: Passeriformes, Subspecies, Sylviidae (Old World Warblers)
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Heliolais (m.) Sharpe 1903 Hand-listGen.Spec.Birds[Sharpe] 4 p.193. Heliolais … cuculatus thais (Robinson & Kloss) 1923 J.Fed.MalaySt.Mus. 11 pt1 p.56; Orthotomus cuculatus viridicollis …
World checklist of Passerine Birds
A World checklist of Passerine Birds … Order Passeriformes : Family Acanthisittidae : 3964 Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris
WORLD LIST OF BIRDSces.iisc.ernet.in/hpg/envis/sibleydoc63.html
Birds of the World
Lists of all species with scientific and English names, subdivided by Family. Choice of list based on the Clements or the Sibley and Monroe classification schemes.
usr/bin/perl. while (<DATA>) {chomp;my($fam,$sp,$com,$whr) = split /:/; print "$_\n" if $whr;} #seen birds #print "$_\n" unless $whr;} #seen birds
Sibley-Monroe List
Sibley-Monroe List. 1 Struthionidae: Ostrich 1 Struthio camelus Ostrich 2 Rheidae:
Common names found in HM but not in SM (4028 species)
Ashy Tailor Bird: Orthotomus sepium: Ashy Wood Pigeon: Columba pulchricollis: Ashy Wood Swallow: Artamus fuscus: Ashy-faced Barn Owl: Tyto glaucops: Ashy-fronted Bearded Bulbul: Criniger flaveolus
Common names found in SM but not in HM (4365 species)
African Tailorbird: Orthotomus metopias: African Wood-Owl: Strix woodfordii: Agami Heron: Agamia agami … Bare-faced Go-away-bird: Corythaixoides personatus: Bare-faced Ground-Dove: Metriopelia …
Sibley & Monroe’s List of Birds of the World (version 1993)
Sibley & Monroe’s List of Birds of the World (version 1993) Quote from Rolf de By from whom I copied the list below: This document contains a version of the now well-known, and …
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