Split Trogon violaceus
Split Trogon caligatus from T. violaceus . Effect on South American CL: This … is that the song of nominate violaceus from Venezuela is closer to that of birds in the caligatus group …
Violaceous Trogon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Violaceous Trogon, Trogon violaceus, is a near passerine bird in the trogon family, Trogonidae. The nominate group, which also includes the subspecies ramonianus and crissalis, occurs in the Amazon Basin and on Trinidad. The caligatus group, which also includes the subspecies concinnus and braccatus, occurs in Mexico, through Central America to the Chocó, northern Colombia, the Magdalena Valley, and north-western Venezuela.
Recognize Trogon caligatus as a separate species from Trogon violaceus (2) … the recordist reported the recorded bird as unseen, but thought to be violaceus.
Containing Groups; Trogonidae ‘Land Birds’ Neoaves … Surucua Trogon) Trogon curucui (Blue-crowned Trogon) Trogon violaceus (Violaceous Trogon) Trogon caligatus (Gartered …
Violaceous Trogon: Trogon violaceus : Gartered Trogon: Trogon caligatus: PS (2) Mountain Trogon: Trogon mexicanus : Elegant Trogon: Trogon elegans : Collared Trogon: Trogon collaris: TAX (3)
InfoNatura – Detailed Report
Scientific Name: Trogon violaceus … is sometimes considered to be a new species, Trogon caligatus … Maps for birds indicate countries where a species …
Canopy Tower : Bird Lists and Trip Reports
Find out what a bird watching vacation in Panama can be like. … VIOLACEOUS TROGON Trogon violaceus [ caligatus group] – common
WINGS Birding Tours to Ecuador: The High Andes to the Southwest Coast …
The High Andes to the Southwest Coast – Bird List. WINGS is a worldwide … 3: Violaceous Trogon: 1: 1: Trogon violaceus caligatus: 4: Collared Trogon: 1: 2: Trogon collaris
birding facts Birding Resources by the Fat Birder
Violaceous Trogon Trogon violaceus Mountain Trogon Trogon … Northern Violaceous Trogon Trogon caligatus http://www … http://www.nrm.se/ve/birds/proj-trogon.html.en The evolution …
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Priotelus (m.) Gray,GR 1840 ListGen.Birds p.10. Priotelus temnurus (Temminck) 1825 Pl … Trogon violaceus braccatus (Cabanis & Heine) 1863 Mus.Hein. 4 Heft1 p.184; Trogon violaceus caligatus …