Urolais epichlorus epichlorus (cinderella)
Bird Info: Cisticolidae (Cisticolas and Allies), Passeriformes, Subspecies
List of African birds – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list of African birds is a listing of all the bird species known from the continent of Africa.
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.
Heliolais (m.) Sharpe 1903 Hand-listGen.Spec.Birds[Sharpe] 4 p.193. Heliolais … Urolais epichlorus cinderella Bates 1928 BBOC 49 p.31; Urolais epichlorus epichlorus (Reichenow) 1892 J …
xeno-canto/Africa :: bird songs from the African region
English: Scientific: Order no. Ostrich: Struthio camelus : 54.00: White-breasted Guineafowl: Agelastes meleagrides : 151.00: Black Guineafowl: Agelastes niger : 152.00
Avibase – Bird Checklists of the World – Africa bird checklist
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 3.5 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including …
Avibase – Llistats d’Ocells del Món – Africa bird checklist
Avibase és una extensa base de dades, amb informació de totes els ocells del món, què conté més de 3.5 milions de registres d’unes 10.000 espècies i 22.000 subespècies d …
(From the start to the end of Falconidae superspecies are not recorded …
EURYLAIMIDAE . Pseudocalyptomena graueri African Green Broadbill Eurylaime de Grauer Grauer’s Broadbill* Resident, forest and edges:
118 ATRICHORNITHIDAE Scrub-birds (2) Atrichornis rufescens Rufous Scrub-bird Atrichornis clamosus Noisy Scrub-bird 119 MENURIDAE Lyrebirds (2) Menura alberti Albert’s Lyrebird
31 SAGITTARIIDAE Secretary-bird (1) Sagittarius serpentarius Secretary-bird 32 FALCONIDAE Falcons and Caracaras (64) Daptrius ater Black Caracara Ibycter americanus Red-throated Caracara
Order,Family (Latin),Family (English),Genus,Species (Latin),Species (English),Breeding Range General Region,Breeding Range Subregion(s),Nonbreeding Range,Code,Note TINAMIFORMES …
(From the start to the end of Falconidae superspecies are not recorded …
EURYLAIMIDAE . Pseudocalyptomena graueri African Green Broadbill Eurylaime de Grauer Grauer’s Broadbill* Smithornis sharpei Grey-headed Broadbill Eurylaime à tête …